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Brent Knight, CSP; President of ISS, Inc.

Coming up this Saturday is Veterans Day. To some, this day has deep meaning and to others, it is a free day off from school or work.

At ISS, we have long supported veterans and have a deep connection to the sacrifices that they make to serve us all. Joining the service is an escape for some and an adventure for others, but in the end, the time served is guaranteed to leave a lasting impression and imprint on the life of every veteran.

After 911, it seemed that the country supported our troops and wanted vindication for the atrocities that were committed, but as the engagements in Iraq and Afghanistan carried on, support dwindled. Many paid the ultimate sacrifice including some people who were very close to me. Others came back, changed and PTSD became a topic that was constantly in the forefront. Also, veteran suicide rates skyrocketed.

In the summer of 2022, ISS had a team event and we brought everyone in for a few days. We spent one morning together, working on a farm for a group called Growing Veterans. This is a group that helps veterans with the emotional and psychological challenges that come with deployment and the things that happen during active engagement. We were all humbled and utterly impressed with what this group is doing, even though it is on a small scale. To learn more, you can visit It is a worthy cause.

It has been said that freedom isn’t free. That is true. Our freedom and liberties have been paid for in lives lost. I think that we all owe it to those who have served to say thank you and for those who paid the ultimate price, honor goes a long way.

As we celebrate Veterans Day this year, remember to think about what you can do to support veterans. It might be a job; it might be a shoulder for someone to cry on; and, it might be a voice of encouragement. Whatever your contribution, it is worthy and helpful. Think about this and please share the message. Our veterans need us.