I grew up participating in many sports and in Scouts. The Boy Scout motto is to Be Prepared, which I adopted wholeheartedly. This motto has become a mantra for my life and is something that I always embrace.
Being prepared can mean many things to many people, so I will break this down from my personal perspective. For me, going on an adventure, whether that be a business trip to visit projects or a fishing or overnight backpacking trip, a big part of the fun lies in the planning and packing. I tend to stress the small stuff and want to make sure that I have everything that I might need, but at the same time, pack as light as possible. I cannot count the number of times that I brought extra gear when on a Scouting event with my boys and ended up using it or giving it to one of the Scouts who forgot his. This always felt good and justified the extra weight on my back.
The same holds true with travel. We don’t know what might happen, and it is best to be prepared for anything. I cannot count the number of times that I have gotten sick while traveling, so I always carry first aid kits with meds for colds, flu, headaches, etc. It does not have to be large, just enough to get me to a store where I can get more.
One often overlooked risk is traveling during the heat of summer or the cold of winter. You never know when you might break down or get stuck. In the winter, I carry a survival kit with warm clothing, blankets, snacks, water, and more. In the summer, I always carry water. Again, you don’t know what might happen or where Siri may take you to cut time off a trip. Siri has taken me on some real adventures over the past 20 years, and luckily, I have not broken down or gotten stuck in the middle of nowhere and without cell service. Even if I had, I was prepared with the basics to hold me over until someone showed up.
The key to being prepared is a little planning. Sitting down and charting out a route, writing down instructions in case you lose cell service, packing a few essentials, etc., are all good ideas. Another great example is a friend who does not plan ahead and forgets to bring rain gear on a fishing trip. You can guarantee that when you forget your rain gear, it is going to rain, and you are going to be miserable.
Think about this the next time that you travel or go on an adventure. Also, here is a list of essentials you may want to consider, depending on the nature of your travel.
Ten Essentials:
1. Navigation – map, compass, altimeter, GPS device, personal locator beacon (PLB) or satellite messenger
2. Flashlight or headlamp plus extra batteries
3. Sun protection – sunglasses, sun-protective clothes and sunscreen
4. First aid – including foot care and insect repellent (as needed)
5. Knife or multi-tool
6. Fire – matches, lighter, tinder and/or stove
7. Shelter – carried at all times (can be a light emergency bivy or poncho and parachute cord)
8. Extra food – Beyond the minimum expectation
9. Extra water – Beyond the minimum expectation
10. Extra clothes – Beyond the minimum expectation
May your next trip go as smoothly as possible. If not, you’ll be prepared!